Category Archives: Games

You Can’t Lose with this Craps System

Ah, so you're interested in a craps system that can't lose? Well, there is no such system, but today I'll share with you a craps system that's pretty darn close. In fact, there's only one roll where you “could” lose. After that it's money in the bank. Warning: If you like high-paced action and make you sweat types of wagers, this isn't for you. To make a system for playing craps very safe, we have to get very conservative. Still interested? Okay, let's go. I'd recommend playing this system Read more [...]

Play Craps Like a Pro

To the beginner, a game like Craps can be rather daunting. Once you have learned the basics and know the rules, however, you will find the game rather simple to grasp. As always, strategy plays an important role and following a calculated and intelligent strategy will assure any player of good, if not always winning, results. A crucial part of craps is for the player to understand that it is a game of rounds. Not much can be done to manipulate the outcome at craps. Instead of trying to predict Read more [...]

How To Play Craps

Aside from Poker and perhaps even Roulette, Craps is one of the more well known casino games, both in the real and virtual gambling world. Craps’ simplicity and excitement draw both amateur and professional gamblers and the monetary stakes vary, attracting both average players and high rollers. The unique aspect of craps is that is not limited to the casino, but craps can also be played at house parties and even on street corners. This is what makes the game of craps so popular because anyone can Read more [...]